Kansas Wins Pancake Day Race

A Kansas community is the winner of the annual International Pancake Race.

Maggie Lipinski won Tuesday’s race in Liberal with a time of nearly 63 seconds. The winner of the Olney, England stretch of the race was Amy Butler with a time of 70 seconds.

Liberal and Olney have taken part in the race each year since 1950 as participants try to run the fastest time while flipping pancakes in a frying pan.

It is still the only race of its kind on the planet.

It all started in 1950 from a magazine picture of the Olney women racing each other to the church. Liberal Jaycee President R.J. Leete contacted the Rev. Ronald Collins, Vicar of St. Peter and St. Paul’s church in Olney, challenging their women to race against women of Liberal.  Like in Olney, the traditional prize of the race is the “Kiss of Peace” from the verger (bellringer).

International Pancake Day in Liberal has expanded into a four-day event.