Hospice of Salina Hosting “Have THE Talk”

Hospice of Salina workers are out holding signs spreading uplifting messages near busy intersections and prominent locations around Salina through Wednesday this week to bring awareness for the importance of end of life care including having advanced directives and care plans in place.

National Healthcare Decisions Day falls this week and Hospice of Salina is hosting a free “Have THE Talk” event from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 17 at its offices, 730 Holly Lane, Salina.

The “Have THE Talk” event will feature information on how to form advanced directives and care planning decisions with local attorney Lance Cochran as a featured speaker. Cochran, who specializes in advanced directive law, will speak about the importance of talking about end of life care with family and friends, getting these wishes down in writing and how people who have well-formulated plans often leave their loved ones with a stronger sense of peace after death.

Free refreshments also will be served at the “Have THE Talk” event. Staff members from Hospice also will be on hand to talk about the role hospice can play in end of life care.



(Photos courtesy Salina Regional Health Center. Hospice of Salina Chaplain Kent Happel and Hospice of Salina nurse Kelly Norris spread uplifting messages on Salina streets over the noon hour Monday.)