The Dane G. Hansen Foundation has awarded a $100,000 grant to the Saline County Department of Senior Services to assist in the restoration and repairs to the building. Strengthening critical community services so that the people of Northwest Kansas enjoy the highest possible quality of life is a part of the Dane G. Hansen Foundation mission. Senior Services remains a busy place that enables older adults to live active and independent lives by providing services.
“These dollars will be used to secure the future of the Senior Services building,” said Rosie Walter, Director of Senior Services. “We want to ensure that the building will be here for many years to come, supporting Meals on Wheels and a place for activities that keep seniors engaged.”
The Department of Senior Services was also awarded a $10,000 grant from the Salina Regional Health Center Community Health Investment Program Foundation (CHIP) earlier in May as well as a $4,700 grant through the Milton I. & Frances L. Stiefel Foundation. These grant funds will help so that County budgeted funds for operations can be used to focus on the programs and services.