With room to run and learn, the training staff at the Hangar Indoor Sports Complex is ready to make Salina athletes faster, stronger and smarter in how they train and perform.
Owner, Jake Sharp joined in on the KSAL Morning News Tuesday with a look at what’s new under the roof, “I do a lot of balance training with young kids,” he said.
“Just getting them to understand where their body is at in space. We break it down to the neuromuscular system and get their mind to understand what it means to be fast and the things they have to do and forces they have to create to do so.”
Speed is not the only program on the menu.
The facility, where the Salina Bombers pro football team trains, has 70-yards of indoor turf for activities from baseball camps to archery contests.
This Saturday, January 25, Pia Sundhage the current Swedish Women’s National Soccer team coach will host a training session.
Saturday, March 1 Kansas Wesleyan Baseball coach Mark Carvalho and the Coyote baseball team will host a hands-on camp for boys in the 1st grade to 12th grade.
For the entire list of events visit the facility online at www.theHangerIndoorComplex.com.
Sharp tells KSAL News they are always happy to show off the complex with tours at the Hangar Indoor Sports Complex, located at 2625 Arnold Court.