Girl Scout Cookie Time Nearing

Are Girl Scouts ready to hit the streets? It’s almost cookie time.

According to the Girl Scouts, your favorite cookie entrepreneurs will be out and about in uniform beginning Feb. 8th, selling your favorite cookies: Thin Mints; Caramel deLites; Peanut Butter Patties; Thanks-A-Lots; Peanut Butter Sandwiches; Lemonades; and Shortbreads, and new to the Cookie Sale, Cranberry Citrus Crisps.

Girl Scout Cookies are available for $3.50 per box and all of the proceeds support Girl Scouting in local communities.

The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led business in the country and for many; it is their first entrepreneurial venture. Through participating in the cookie program, girls develop five essential skills:

1. Goal Setting
2. Decision Making
3. Money Management
4. People Skills
5. Business Ethics

Girl Scout Cookies are only sold for four short weeks every year, from February 8 – March 9, 2014, but the benefits for girls last throughout their entire lives.

Cookies are available through girls selling door-to-door, hosting cookie booths, and through the Girl Scouts office. To find cookies in your area visit or call 888-686-MINT.