Former Salinans Among Mass Shooting Victims

A former Salina couple are among the victims of the weekend mass shootings.

Memo Guillermo Garcia and Jessica Coca Garcia, formerly of Salina were at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, fundraising for their daughter’s soccer team when a shooter opened fire. The couple were both hit by the gunfire. Memo is in critical condition, while Jessica is in stable condition. Their two children suffered less severe injuries when they were trampled by people fleeing the shooter.

Jessica’s mother Norma Coca still live in Salina. A couple of gofund me accounts have been established to help the couple.

Capital murder charges are being filed against the man accused of killing at least 20 people at that El Paso Walmart. A Police spokesman said a 21-year-old suspect is being held without bond.  He is accused of killing at least 20 people and injuring over two dozen others Saturday.  The shooting is being investigated as a federal hate crime and a possible case of domestic terrorism.

About 13 hours after the massacre in El Paso, at least nine people were killed outside a bar in Dayton, Ohio’s popular Oregon Entertainment District. The gunman has been identified as a 24-year-old man. Police say he arrived at the scene in the same vehicle as his sister and another companion, but he separated from them at some point in the evening. He returned a couple of hours later dressed in body armor, bearing an assault-style rifle with a drum magazine capable of holding 100 rounds. Police say he was killed by responding officers within 30 seconds of firing his first shots. Among those he killed was his own sister. Police have not determined a motive for the shooting.

(photo via gofund me)