It’s the Sunday that many in the Sunflower State look forward to all year. The time to gather around your televisions for football and commercial watching on Sunday, in a tradition known as Super Bowl Sunday.
While sharing the latest cheese dip or hearty bowls of chili, many fans may be more inclined to drink and drive. The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is urging Kansans to plan ahead to avoid driving drunk and face the possibility of being arrested, or worse. KDOT Traffic Safety Manager Chris Bortz is encouraging everyone to be proactive.
“We all play a part in eliminating drunk driving,” Bortz said. “Make the right play and pass your keys to a sober designated driver, because we all agree: “Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk.” Law enforcement is committed to keeping our roads safe and will be on the look-out for impaired drivers this weekend. Col. Ernest E. Garcia, superintendent of the Kansas Highway Patrol, added that Kansans can set the right example.
“We want everyone to have a good time, but if your plans include alcohol, celebrate responsibly,” Garcia said. “Have a plan by designating your sober driver before the game. And always buckle up.”
In addition to encouraging fans to designate a sober driver, party hosts should take steps to make sure their guests don’t remember the party for all the wrong reasons.
“Having a sober designated driver is just smart thinking and a smart move for all football fans who want to enjoy this and future big games together,” Bortz said. “And never let your friends drive if they’ve been drinking.”