Rolling Hills Zoo is welcoming three new members to its family, According to the zoo three Amur tiger cubs were born on August 14th to mother Andrea and father Dhenuka.
Amur tigers are classified as an endangered species on the IUCN list. Andrea and Dhenuka came to Rolling Hills Zoo on a breeding recommendation by the Tiger Species Survival Plan developed by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, of which Rolling Hills Zoo is an accredited member.
At 11years old, this is Andrea’s third litter. Born at the St. Louis Zoo, Andrea came to Rolling Hills Zoo from the Indianapolis Zoological Society.
Dhenuka, 9 years old, is a first time father. Born in Milwaukee County Zoological Garden, he came to Rolling Hills Zoo from the Great Plains Zoo in Sioux Falls, SD, and weighs in at 414 lbs. Amur tigers are the largest cats in the world.
Currently the tigers and their cubs are off exhibit, and will be for a while depending upon how well the cubs and their parents do in the coming weeks. “We are on tiger time, and mother and cubs will let us know when they are ready to do certain things,” shared Bob Jenkins, RHZ’s Executive Director. “We anticipate that the cubs will be off exhibit for approximately two months, possibly longer.” Staff are constantly monitoring their status throughout the day by direct observation and security cameras.
The common litter size for tigers is 2 to 4 cubs, and normal birth weight is between 1.75 and 3.5 pounds. Since their birth, the cubs have been bonding with their mother and have not been weighed. When keepers have an opportunity to weigh them, they will also be able to determine their sex.
Like other cats, the cubs were born with their eyes closed and it will be two weeks before their eyes open. Tigers are born with all of their original stripes and they won’t change as they grow to adulthood. No two tigers will have the same pattern.