A Hays woman has her laptop and camera stolen from her car. Salina Police say Ashia Hostetler told officers her Apple laptop computer and Nikon SLR camera were taken from her Chevy Malibu sometime between Friday afternoon at 3pm and Saturday morning a 8am. There was damage to the vehicle, total loss is listed at $1000. She was unable to state exactly where the car was parked when the crime occurred.
Police are looking for someone who removed three guns from a truck parked in the 300 block of Scott. Police say someone forced open the driver side door on a 1998 Ford pickup that was parked on the street and stole a .22 revolver plus two .22 rifles. The owner told officers he is also missing his wallet, and a subwoofer that was in a speaker box. Total loss and damage is listed at $1,150.