Two more positive cases of COVID-19 in Kansas have been announced on Monday.
Both cases have once again come from Johnson County–which now has eight positive cases. The other three positive tests have come from Butler, Franklin and Wyandotte Counties, but were all from last week.
There are currently 11 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Kansas.
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment says however, that as of the afternoon on Monday, there have been no new deaths related to COVID-19 in Kansas–meaning that the state’s death total is still at one.
The KDHE says that they have tested 245 people for COVID-19.
KDHE Response Activities:
- Other labs in the state are beginning to test for COVID-19. These labs are asked to send all results to KDHE.
- KDHE plans to update its website daily by noon.
- KDHE has created a toolkit of Kansas-specific guidance to help local public heath departments engage with their community at The organization says new information is added daily
- KDHE also has a phone-back operation staffed Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-7 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and Sunday 1-5 p.m., at 1-866-3463.