Second Saline County COVID-19 Death

The tenth positive COVID-19 case has been confirmed in Saline County, and the second death. There is also a facility in Salina with an outbreak.

According to the Saline County Health Department, the latest case is a female in her 60s associated with a known close contact who is isolated at home.

The agency was also notified that one of the previously identified positive cases has passed away.

The Saline County Health Department is working closely with KDHE after a facility in Salina was recognized by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment for having an outbreak of COVID-19 cases. At this time, information about this facility will not be released to the public.

KSAL News asked Saline County why no specific information about the outbreak is being released.

“All of the potentially exposed employees have already been identified and contacted by the Health Department and testing has been done with those at risk for exposure. We do not have any additional evidence to believe there is added risk to the general public. With these economic challenges, naming a business could have extreme consequential effects. This facility has worked with the Health Department from the very beginning and have been very compliant and respectful of their business practices and their employees.”

The county says some of the positive cases in Saline County are connected to this outbreak. They are still working with KDHE to identify correctly those numbers that are directly or indirectly associated with it. Several tests were performed over the weekend from that facility which they are awaiting results on.

At 11 am, KDHE reported a total of 1376 confirmed cases in Kansas and 62 deaths. Saline County has a total of 10 positive cases, with two of those resulting in death.