USD 305 Prepping for Hybrid or Traditional Classrooms

As the 2019/2020 school year winds down , USD 305 Superintendent Linn Exline is gathering ideas from staff and preparing an arsenal of solutions for teachers next year.

“We want to be ready no matter what the landscape looks like at that point when August comes,” she said.


USD 305 and school districts around the state have been providing alternative resources, methods and online learning ever since Governor Laura Kelly closed school buildings last month to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Exline tells KSAL News that lessons learned from teaching online and the ability to take advantage of some virtual field trips will probably be added to the mix next year.

“It’s kind of exciting to think about re-envisioning the way education looks like when we get back to the new normal.”


2020 Seniors will wrap up the school year on May 14th while all other USD 305 students finish remote classes on May 21, 2020.