Kansas DCF Facilities Remain Closed

Department for Children and Families Secretary Laura Howard announced today that DCF service centers will remain closed to the public until further notice. The offices have been closed since March 23.

“My first priority is the health and safety of both our clients and employees,” Howard said. “I am committed to implementing a reopening plan that ensures social distancing and other safety requirements set forward by Governor Kelly. We’ll reopen when we can ensure these requirements can be met.”

To help ensure clients have access to services, the agency has implemented a series of new public facing communication channels.

On April 29, the agency opened a virtual call center to answer client questions about agency assistance programs including cash, food and child care assistance. Kansans can call 1-888-369-477 from anywhere in the state to speak with a DCF representative or connect with their local service center.

DCF also added a chat function to its public website. Visitors can use the chat to get basic information about programs and application processes. DCF encourages Kansans to visit www.dcf.ks.gov for information about programs and to apply for services. Paper applications also are available outside each DCF service center across the state. Completed applications can be left in drop boxes outside each service center.

Additionally, visitors to the DCF website can review guidance from the agency related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit http://www.dcf.ks.gov/COVID19/Pages/default.aspx for all DCF program information.

If someone suspects abuse or neglect, they should call the KPRC at 1-800-922-5330. They also can report allegations online at http://www.dcf.ks.gov/services/PPS/Pages/KIPS/KIPSWebIntake.aspx.

DCF encourages Kansans to monitor the agency’s Facebook and Twitter pages for the latest information about office access and services.

For more information on COVID-19 visit: www.covid.ks.gov.