Saline County Still Steady With 21 COVID-19 Cases

Saline County has gone five days in a row without any additional confirmed cases of COVID-19 to report. The county is holding steady with 21 cases and two deaths.

Statewide, though, numbers keep rising. The KDHE reported the following in their daily release:

  • A total of 5,458 positive cases and 137 deaths.  That is an increase of 210 positive cases from yesterday’s release.
  • 34,634 negative tests have been received through the KDHE and private labs.
  • The age range is 0 years to 99 years (median 43 years of age).

The health department will continue to do all they can to avoid any setbacks during this reopening process.  Here are some things that you can do to help:

  • Stay home if you’re sick.
  • Wear masks in public settings.
  • Maximize physical distances (6 ft. or more) in public settings.
  • Utilize online or mail in services to conduct business.
  • Avoid socializing with large groups.
  • High-risk individuals should only leave the house for essential needs.
  • Minimize nonessential travel.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
