Kansas State University Executive Reawakening Team presented the university’s reopening plan to the First Tuesday roundtable group for department heads on May 5 and to the public on the COVID-19 reopening website.
The plan is a phased approach with universitywide criteria that aligns with White House, state of Kansas, Riley County and CDC requirements and guidance. It calls for operational area plans from each department and unit that will need to be reviewed, approved and filed with the Office of the Provost. Area plans once approved will be posted on the COVID-19 reopening website.
The universitywide plan is based on five guiding principles:
- Preserve the health and safety of K-State’s university community and our host communities.
- Maintain and deliver our land-grant mission through teaching, research and extension/outreach.
- Preserve and maintain university operations necessary to support mission-critical activities during reduced operations status.
- Preserve the financial capacity of the university to deliver mission-critical activities for the long-term fiscal health of the university.
- Honor K-State’s unique culture. Students, faculty and staff are at the heart of this university.
The website is separated by each phased approach and equipped with a tools section that includes a PDF form for units to develop departmental/unit plans and a sample department plan.