COVID-19 has been linked to a service area along Interstate 70.
The Shawnee County Health Department says they have identified some COVID19 cases linked to the Topeka Service Area on the I-70 Turnpike located at mile marker 188, just east of Topeka. The exposure is specifically designated to the food court and restrooms of the facility.
This facility houses a food court which includes the following restaurants:
- Dunkin Donuts
- Hardees
- Taco Bell
- Pizza Hut
The facility is accessible going east and westbound on the I-70 Turnpike.
People who have been at the food court or used the restrooms of this facility after April 23rd are recommended to contact their primary care provider IF they develop any of the following symptoms within 14 days from the date of their visit:
- fever of 100.4 F or higher
- chills
- rigors
- myalgia (muscle pain or aches)
- malaise
- headache
- sore throat
- lower respiratory illness (cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing)
- new olfactory and taste disorders
- diarrhea
The facility will remain closed while it is sanitized.
Shawnee County Health Officer Dr. Gianfranco Pezzino said ”While the risk of anyone being infected with coronavirus during a visit at the Turnpike food court is probably very low, it is not zero. We think that the public should know that information and should share it with their healthcare provider if they become sick.”