Coronavirus Relief Fund Advisory Committee

Saline County Commissioners signed a resolution today to receive $11,026,434 in Coronavirus Relief Funding as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economy Security Act (CARES Act) signed by the President back in March.

With the best interests of Saline County residents, businesses, and organizations in mind, the Board of County Commissioners approved to form a committee to advise the Commission on fund disbursements. This committee will be composed of three County staff members and four citizens. The committee will provide recommendations on how funds will be used to cover expenses that are necessary expenditures incurred or expected to be incurred due to the public health emergency.

Citizens that are interested volunteering their time serving on this committee must fill out an expression of interest form that is located on our website Interested persons MUST be able to meet weekly starting July 13th through August 17th and at least monthly until December 30th.

Expression of interest forms will be accepted until 1 pm on Monday, July 6th. Members of the committee will be appointed on Tuesday, July 7th.

For additional questions, please contact the Saline County Administrative Resource Center at 785-309-5810.