6 New Saline County COVID-19 Cases

There are 6 new positive COVID-19 cases in Saline County.

According to the Saline County Health Department, the total for the county is now 318, with 120 cases that are active. There are 195 people who have recovered, and 3 People have died. Salina Regional Health Center reports they have a total of 5 hospitalized COVID-19 patients.  Salina Regional is a regional hospital, the COVID-19 patient total is not specific to the number of Saline County residents who may be hospitalized.

According to the Kansas Department of Health & Environment, statewide there are 1,005 new cases and 18 deaths since Wednesday. Cases Are recorded in 103 counties.

Overall there have been 25,109 cases and 326 deaths statewide.


  • The Saline County Coronavirus Relief Fund Advisory Committee issued a press release regarding funds that are available for local businesses and non-profits to apply for reimbursements or future COVID-19 related expenses.  Applications for requested funding are due by July 31stat 5 pm.  Learn more by visiting our website https://www.saline.org/Coronavirus/CRF-Funding.
    • The next meeting of the Saline County Coronavirus Relief Fund Advisory Committee is scheduled for Monday, July 27th at 11 am.  Their meetings are streamed live on the Saline County YouTube channel.
  • Both Saline County and the City of Salina were awarded funds through the Community Development Block Grant Supplemental funding (CDBG-CV).  Our agencies will be working with the North Central Regional Planning Commission

Saline County’s dashboard has been updated to include age ranges of cases in active isolation, recovered, and deceased. This dashboard is updated on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays by 5 pm.

Authorities continue to communicate the same public health messages on what you can do to slow the spread:

  • Stay home if you’re sick
  • Wear masks in public settings
  • Maximize physical distance (6 feet or more) in public settings
  • Avoid socializing with large groups
  • High-risk individuals should only leave the house for essential needs
  • Wash your hands frequently