Chamber’s Leadership Class Postponed

After much consideration and continuous monitoring of the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce has decided to postpone the Leadership Salina 2020 class. While they were looking forward to this year’s class, the inherent risk and uncertainty is still too great at this stage of the pandemic.

Health and safety are paramount. Many considerations went into this decision, including but not limited to recommendations from the CDC, potential risk factors, current restrictions, concerns from attendees, and general uncertainty. The Chamber recognize potential frustration, especially on the heels of the summer cancellations, but we feel this is the right course of action given what is known and predicted at this time.

While virtual platforms have proven to be successful for many, due to the program’s focus on in-person relationship building and community tours, it is not the right fit for Leadership Salina. This being said, we’re excited to announce our plans for virtual leadership opportunities this Fall. There will be opportunities to hear from the Kansas Leadership Center, Katie Pembleton with Common Thread Coaching & Consulting, Amanda Michaelis with Shift Yours Perspective Life & Leadership Coaching and Jeremy Gray with Noble Consulting LLC. Please stay tuned for more details about these workshops.

If you want to be added to the contact list for future Leadership Salina updates, please contact LaCrista at (785) 827-9301 or [email protected]