Wildcats Encouraged to Stay in Manhattan, Salina, Johnson County

Monday, Sept. 7, is Labor Day. This means a three-day weekend for students, faculty and staff as K-State campuses are closed until Tuesday.  
This extended weekend, K-State and local health departments are encouraging the Wildcat family to stay in Manhattan, Salina or Johnson County rather than travel to visit friends and loved ones.  
Positive COVID-19 cases are steadily increasing — particularly among campus communities — in Riley CountySaline County and Johnson County. Positive case numbers also are on the rise in Kansas, according to the Kansas Department of Health. 
While it’s true that a majority of young people who get COVID-19 only experience mild symptoms, it’s also true that we don’t know which person may have an immune system that cannot fight the virus or what the long-term side effects of having the virus are. Additionally, being around older family members and friends while unknowingly positive exposes someone at-risk to have a worse outcome.
This Labor Day, do your part to help protect othersWash your handswear your face covering if you’re going to be within 6 feet of your friends and if you’re feeling sick, stay home and keep track of your symptoms.  
Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay home. Every Wildcat A Wellcat.