Restaurant alerts victim to stolen property

A Salina fast-food restaurant alerts a Salina woman that her property was inside of the store, however, she is still missing a large sum of cash and a book bag.

Salina Police Capt. Paul Forrester tells KSAL News that 24-year-old Cynthia Armijo, Salina, was awakened by messages on her phone that said that her wallet and planner were at McDonald’s, 2236 Planet Ave., at 8:45 a.m. Saturday.

The woman got in to her car to go retrieve the items when she realized that someone had entered her car sometime between 8 p.m. Friday and when the restaurant notified her. She was missing a pink Hershcel book bag, her wallet–with $1,200 cash inside–and a planner that had all been left inside of her 2019 Nissan Altima.

When she got to the restaurant, they had her wallet containing all of her IDs and credit cards, but the cash and backpack were both missing.

The victim tells authorities that she thought her vehicle was locked in front of the her residence in the 400 block of Star Dr.

SPD is currently reviewing video surveillance from McDonald’s to see if they can identify a suspect.