Another in a series of statewide virtual job fairs will be held this week.
Governor Laura Kelly is encouraging Kansans to participate in the sixth KANSASWORKS Statewide Virtual Job Fair, which begins Tuesday and will continue through Thursday.
The virtual fair will allow job seekers to easily live chat with employers from across the state through computers and mobile devices. KANSASWORKS has organized four virtual job fairs in 2020, with three additional virtual fairs planned later this year.
Click here to register for the Virtual Job Fair.
The Department of Commerce, in partnership with the Local Workforce Development Boards, moved its statewide job fairs online this year to eliminate public health risks associated with mass gatherings, and as a way to continue to provide job opportunities and maintain a ready workforce for Kansas businesses.
Registration is now required for each virtual event. If job seekers have previously attended a Virtual Job Fair, they are required to re-register for this event with the link provided above.
The fifth virtual fair in September attracted participation from 180 employers and 1,003 jobseekers from across the state.
As concerns for Kansans’ health and safety remain high due to COVID-19, the Department of Commerce will maintain the Virtual Job Fair system for the remainder of 2020. The final fair of the year will be December 8-9.
Beginning with this virtual fair, job seekers can now upload their most recent resume to their Virtual Job Fair account. If you require assistance, please contact your local workforce center at (877) 509-6757 to schedule an appointment.