Clay Center Continues Good News on Tax Collections

For the fourth straight month, Clay Center is celebrating a strong sales tax collection.

According to the City of Clay Center, since July the sales tax collections are up 16% compared to a year ago.   Because sales tax reports are presented two months after the month they are collected, this represents the time period of May, June, July, and August.

Mayor Jimmy Thatcher was asked if he was surprised by the continued trend.   “I really am not surprised, the traffic in the community was strong all summer, our recreation league was able to function, the pool was open, construction continued to be very strong, and our schools were able to open on time.”

Sales tax collections are not the only rising star in the Clay Center area.  Clay County Appraiser, Danny Mesalles reported to the Clay County Commissioner’s that 2020 home sale prices were up nearly 10 % over the 2019 average sale prices.

Mayor Thatcher was not surprised by this data.   “There is an abundance of homes that have sold to people outside the community.  Some folks like the size, variety of stores, and restaurants without the bigger town crowds.  Some appreciate the high-speed internet that is part of our infrastructure and some appreciate the size and quality of the schools, but right now, it seems we need more homes to sell due to the high demand in the area.”