There are 66 new positive COVID-19 cases in Saline County to report since the last update on Friday.
According to the Saline County Health Department, there have now been 1,413 total cases, with 240 cases currently active. There are 1,157 people who have recovered, and a total of 16 deaths.
Salina Regional Health Center reports that they have 17 hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
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The agency says we’ve been in this pandemic for nine months and as we enter cold and flu season it is just as important now as it has always been to continue to do the things that we know works to help slow the spread of COVID-19:
- Wash your hands often, for at least 20 seconds with warm soapy water. Use hand sanitizer if you do not have access to soap and water.
- Maintain physical distance between yourself and others of at least 6 feet or more.
- Wear masks in public spaces as required by City Ordinance and County Resolution. Masks do not prevent you from getting COVID-19, the flu, or other contagious diseases but they do, however, prevent other people from catching certain diseases from you. You must cover your nose and mouth for masks to be effective.
- Sanitize frequently touched surfaces and areas such as doorknobs, handles, cell phones, tablets, etc.
- Stay home if you are sick. Regardless if you think it may be a cold, it could be allergies, but it also could be something worse.
According to the Kansas Department of Health & Environment, there are now 103,553 cases and 1,181 deaths statewide. This information can be found at
Due to the Veteran’s Day Holiday on Wednesday, November 11th, there will not be an official press release. Contact Tracers will continue to work with new positive cases. The next scheduled press release will be on Friday, November 13th.