Texas Tenors Concert Cancelled

An increase of COVID-19 across the community has prompted a concert to be cancelled.

On Monday the ISIS Shrine Temple of Salina announced the cancellation of The Texas Tenors benefit concert, scheduled for December 13th at Tony’s Pizza Events Center.

“The rise in COVID-19 cases is very concerning. The safety of our patrons, staff and performers are of the utmost importance, therefore we made the hard decision to cancel The Texas Tenors show.” Casey Flinn, Shrine Recorder stated.

All tickets purchasers will receive a full refund. Those who paid by credit or debit will have their tickets refunded automatically in the next 3-5 business days. For those that purchased with cash, refunds will be available beginning at 9:00 am on Monday, November 16th. Cash purchasers must bring their tickets to the Tony’s Pizza Events Center Box Office to receive their refund. The Box Office is open 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday – Friday. Those who purchased their tickets from the Shriners will need to contact them