Visitors to the Salina Art Center will be asked to dive into a radio play this weekend – as a 1958 luxury submarine makes its maiden voyage through the theatre of the mind.
Los Angeles based writer, Gail Lerner has been working with about twenty writers and actors to bring “TYTON” to life on Saturday.
She told the group as they began to throw out ideas, “All this creativity is bubbling, I say go wild.”
Lerner is helping hone a 20-minute radio play that visitors will encounter as they look over a luxury toy submarine that will rule the space at the Salina Art Center on May 10th.
“My job is to help people condense their scenes – to get the most juice and the most drama and the most fun.”
The sub was created by Wichita artist Randy Regier, and is extravagant at every turn – including a nightclub, drive-in movie theatre and 10-hole golf course.
Lerner, who has been nominated for numerous writing awards including an Emmy and an Academy Award, wraps up the writing and recording process this week and will be on hand as “TYTON” launches on Saturday, May 10th and Sunday May 11th at the Salina Art Center, 242 S. Santa Fe.