Free COVID Testing in Salina Sunday

Salina Family Healthcare Center is hosting a free community COVID-19 testing event this Sunday.

According to the organization, free testing will be available from 1-5 pm at Bill Burke Park, off Crawford Street. The COVID-19 tests are saliva based, rather than the nasal method.

Those interested in being tested should arrive at Bill Burke Park where they will be directed by SFHC staff members to pick up their test collection kit. Attendees should not eat, drink, smoke, brush teeth, or chew gum 30 minutes before the test.

Once attendees have grabbed their collection kits, they will be directed to park to complete the test. Instructions will be provided. Collection kits will be registered by attendees on their smart phones. Attendees without a smart phone will receive assistance to register their test. Once the test is complete, there will be a drop box for completed kits. SFHC will send all completed kits to a lab for analysis. Attendees will receive the results of their test via text message to their phones.

“Salina Family Healthcare Center is very happy to participate in this KDHE program of expanded community testing.  The state of Kansas wants to greatly expand testing to most people of Kansas during this holiday season.  Anyone who has not tested COVID-positive in the last ninety days should consider getting tested,” said Dr. Kraft, CEO/CMO of SFHC.

“You register on your smart phone, spit in a tube, and we mail it off.  Kits will be mailed on Monday and results should return to you via text message within 48 hours.”

This event is a coordinated COVID-19 test collection with Salina Regional Health Center (SRHC). SRHC will be hosting a free community COVID-19 testing event at their Comcare location on Ohio December 19th from 8am – 2pm.

If supply is available, SFHC will host a second free community COVID-19 testing event on Sunday December 20th at Bill Burke from 1-5 pm.