Moran To Vote For Electoral College Certification

Kansas Senator Jerry Moran is planning to vote in favor of certifying the Electoral College results to elect Joe Biden as president.

Moran announced Tuesday he will not block the results of the 2020 presidential election and that he must adhere to the U.S. Constitution. Moran added that he supported President Donald Trump’s legal challenges, but in every instance, the courts determined that there was no sufficient evidence to change the results of the election.

Moran’s full statement:

“I am a conservative Republican. Therefore, I must strictly adhere to the United States Constitution. The Constitution clearly limits the role of Congress with respect to presidential elections to the counting of electoral votes that have been certified by the states. The states, consistent with the principles of federalism and a limited national government, possess the sole authority to determine and submit their electors. To vote to reject these state-certified electoral votes would be to act outside the bounds of the Constitution, which I will not do.

“President Trump had every right under the Constitution to challenge the results of the election in the courts, and I publicly supported his right to do so given the allegations and reports of irregularities and fraud. But in every instance, the judgments were clear, and no judge or Supreme Court justice – including those appointed by President Trump – determined there was evidence sufficient to change the results of the election.

“Support of the institutions and legal processes established in the Constitution by those who founded this exceptional American Republic are necessary to preserve our most cherished American values. Voting to object to the electoral process without a constitutional basis to do so may be expedient and lead to short-term political benefits for some, but would risk undermining our democracy – which is built upon the rule of law and separation of powers. No victory for one’s cause today can be worth what we would lose tomorrow.”