Supporters of Salina Net Generation (SNG) want to ace out the old public pool and rodeo grounds to build a complex with twelve, new premier tennis courts, with room to expand.
The public-private project would cost an estimated $2.3 million to complete, while spokesman Clark Renfro tells KSAL News that nearly half of the funds on the private side have already been raised.
Renfro adds the condition of existing tennis courts around town are dilapidated and in some cases unplayable. He says the master plan from SNG would ultimately save the City of Salina money from having to renovate the existing 15 public courts, while opening a new facility that could host tennis tournaments and attract more patrons to Salina businesses.
The plan would also retrofit the existing pool house on the property with restrooms and other amenities for a first class gathering space.
Above: Rendering of centralized public tennis courts located at the site of the former Municipal swimming pool and rodeo arena in Kenwood Park (across the street to the North of Tony’s Pizza Event Center)
Above: Damage on court surface at Sunset Park.
Photos courtesy of Salina Net Generation