There are 3 new COVID-19 deaths in Saline County and 176 new cases.
According to the Saline County Health Department, there have been 5,252 total cases with 1,900 currently active. There are 3,266 people who have recovered, and now 86 people have died.
Salina Regional Health Center reports they currently have 21 hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
The county dashboard has been updated with the latest information:
If you have tested positive or you are known to be a close contact, please do not call the Health Department unless it has been at least five days since you received your results and you have not heard from us. We understand that for both employees and employers, quarantine or isolation documentation may be necessary to verify a leave of absence. Please refer to our FAQ Section for additional questions.
Health Department staff continue to be overwhelmed and several days behind with contacting new positive cases and close contacts and we are unable to produce the necessary documentation immediately. We have added staff and some cases being routed to contact tracers at KDHE, but with cases rising every day we continue to be behind. Thank you for your patience.
According to the Kansas Department of Health & Environment Coronavirus Website, there are now 263,412 cases and 3,575 deaths statewide.