Salina USD 305 has made the decision to end the hybrid instructional model for middle and high school students. Beginning April 1, the district will welcome back all middle and high school students to traditional, in-person learning full time.
April 1 is the beginning of 4th quarter, a predetermined break in students’ schedules, which is a good place to return to regular school. It keeps students’ schedules as stable as possible. Additionally, April 1 is 10 days after spring recess, which helps to limit the spread risk following a holiday.
In February, Kansas schools received new guidance from the Kansas Department of Education and the Kansas COVID Workgroup for Kids. This guidance recommends bringing secondary students back to school full time.
Now a year into the pandemic, state authorities have collected data about the safety strategies of masking requirements and student cohorting. This data supports their recommendation that schools can safely open with safety precautions in place.
Health and safety protocols will continue and be adjusted to the full time schedule. Masks, social distancing, classroom cohorting, hand hygiene and more will still be maintained. Plans for food service, busing, SATC schedules and more will be completed and communicated to families before April 1.
The change does not impact remote learners or elementary schools which have remained open, in full-time mode, since September.