With vaccine supplies becoming more plentiful locally, about 36 percent of the adults who live and work in Saline County have been vaccinated against COVID-19. The goal is to have 70 percent of all adults vaccinated.
According to the Saline County Health Department, due to vaccine supplies becoming more widely available in our community, registration on the VaccinateSalineCountyKS.com website will close at 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, April 10.
Currently, there is little to no waiting for those who register to receive their vaccine. If you believe you have registered but have not been contacted, please contact the Salina Family Healthcare Center.
The week of April 12, will be the final week for prime doses at the JC Penney vaccination site. Clinics for the boost doses will continue until mid-May to complete all two-dose series.
Vaccines are now available at many health clinics and pharmacies throughout our community, reducing the need for a mass vaccination clinic. To find out where you can get your vaccine go to VaccineFinder.org.
Unless your medical doctor determines otherwise, the best vaccine for you is the first vaccine available to you. The agency says to not wait, get vaccinated today.
Lower Doses of Johnson & Johnson Expected in Coming Weeks
Vaccination Helpful Information: