Saline County is lagging behind statewide COVID vaccination numbers.
About 43 percent of Kansans have received at least one dose of a COVID vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control reports that Kansas has administered over 2 million the COVID-19 vaccine. About 43% of Kansans have received at least their first dose, with nearly 33% fully vaccinated.
Locally, according to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, in Saline County, there have been 18,216 people vaccinated, or 33.59 percent. Statistics indicate there have been no vaccine doses distributed in Saline County this week.
The goal is to vaccinate at least 70 percent of the population.
Vaccines are now available at many health clinics and pharmacies throughout the community. There are also a couple of vaccination clinics in Salina and Saline County scheduled over the next couple of weeks.
To find out where you can get your vaccine go to
Vaccination Helpful Information: