Free COVID Test Kits Available

A Salina healthcare organization is planning three upcoming large COVID-19 testing events, open to the community, in which test kits can be taken home.  As COVID-19 continues to rage through Saline County and the nation, Salina Family Healthcare Center is announcing the dates of three free testing kit pick-up events in the next two weeks.

On Thursday September 16, 12-2p in the JCPenney’s parking lot, Thursday September 23, 4-6p in the NW Corner of the Ace Hardware Parking Lot, and Saturday September 25, 12-2p at the Smoky Hill Museum Street Fair (at the corner of Iron & 7th St.), COVID-19 spit tests are available to all.

These tests are available for individuals and families: symptomatic, asymptomatic, or those who may have had a recent COVID-19 exposure. Each location will have a limited supply of test kits.

These PCR tests are designed to be taken at home. Nurses will be available on site for those who would prefer help collecting the saliva sample. Testing kits come with instructions, packaging, and a prepaid FedEx label. Once the sample is FedEx-ed to the lab, the results will be sent to the patients’ phone(s) within 24-48 hours.

Questions? Contact the Salina Family Healthcare Center Outreach Team at 785-825-7251 ext. 526. To see all testing sites and offerings in Saline County visit The site is updated as new testing information/changes becomes available.