Takeoff Time in Ellsworth

Young Eagle Day will introduce the joy of flying to youth this Saturday in Ellsworth.

Pilot and volunteer with Smoky Hill EAA Larry Farmer tells KSAL News that youth from 8 to 17 years old will learn about pre-flight checks on the ground before they climb into the cockpit for a free ride in the sky.


Farmer says the flights typically last about 20-minutes before touching down again at the Ellsworth Airport. Since 1993, the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) based in Oshkosh, Wisconsin with chapters around the world – has taken over 2.3 million people on their first flight to experience and celebrate aviation. The EAA chapter in Ellsworth joined in 1997, and has currently taken over 1,500 youth from around the area up for their first flight.

The flights are provided free of charge to any youth wishing to participate.
Registration for flights will begin at 9am and end at 1pm .Due to COVID, registration will be in the hangar and masks will be required.

Each youth must have a signed permission form from their parent/guardian. Forms are available from chapter members or may be filled out Saturday.

The Smoky Hill EAA Chapter #1127 will host a Young Eagle Day this Saturday, November 6th, at the airport in Ellsworth. According to the organization, young people age 8 to 17 are welcome to experience a demonstration flight in an airplane.

Information is available by calling area members Larry Farmer at 785 577 6581 or Dale Weinhold at 785 472 4309.