Looking back at forty-plus years of newspaper columns was more than a trip down memory lane for former Salina Journal writer Tim Horan.
The Abilene native who recently retired from his post as Editor at the Abilene Reflector-Chronicle has spent the last several months squeezing those stories in black and white into a new book entitled “Life Around the Tee Box.”
He confesses the book has little or nothing to do with golf, but is a tip of the hat to his columns found under Tee Time.
The book is a collection of Tim’s newspaper columns and a look at life around Kansas. Horan spent time with Jeff and Bob on the KSAL Morning News Extra Friday and says one of the biggest changes he sees in journalism is keeping readers engaged.
Order the new book, “Life Around the Tee Box” by Tim Horan directly from Tim. Text or call order line: 785 479 1496