Resources are available for some of whose who ere impacted by last week’s historic wind storm.
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment and the Kansas Department of Agriculture are available to answer questions about the disposal of animal carcasses and other agricultural needs. KDHE can also assist with questions concerning building debris and recovery from the widespread storms and wildfires that impacted Kansas on December 15.
According to Saline County, KDHE district office personnel or the Saline County Emergency Management Office can provide appropriate forms and assist with their completion. KDHE will issue approvals as quickly as possible upon receipt of completed forms.
If a federal disaster is declared, government agencies and persons who seek FEMA reimbursement for costs incurred for disaster response may need to demonstrate prior authorization was obtained for disposal or open burning. The use of these forms will provide that demonstration.
To request forms or assistance completing forms, you may contact the county KDHE district office, Saline County Emergency Management or the KDHE Bureau of Waste Management at (785) 296-1600.
Links to some common forms used to dispose of disaster debris can be found on the KDHE website.
Information about recovery resources, including mental health resources, for farmers and ranchers, can be found on the Kansas Department of Agriculture website. |