Show Goes On: Fundraisers to Fuel GPT

Last Wednesday’s fire that gutted the Great Plains Theatre (GPT) in Abilene, has not snuffed out the spirit of the theatre’s staff.

GPT Executive Director, Maggie Hoffman joined in on the KSAL Morning News with a look at what’s next, “Superintendent Dr. Guy has agreed to let us use the Abilene High School Auditorium,” she said.

The third show of the season, “Always …Patsy Cline” will open August 8th and will run through August 17th on stage at the AHS Auditorium.

According to Hoffman, fire officials are still investigating the cause of the blaze while the GPT staff and board continue to look at options for a new location.

“We were covered by insurance but as far as I know after looking at some of the numbers it was for the structure we had in place,” she said.




“Quite frankly it’s not going to be enough for us to build something new.”

Staff is now working out of a temporary office at 311 NW 3rd Street in Abilene.

Hoffman added the path to a new facility would lean heavily on private donations. “We are going to be relying a lot on fundraising and getting some donors that can help us build a new facility with all the updates that we need.”

To volunteer time or to donate funds to help the Great Plains Theatre rebuild, visit and click on the Donate button.