Kansas Has Record Gun Safety Year

Kansas has a lot of to offer hunters. Abundant wildlife, a multitude of hunting opportunities, and diverse landscapes are just a few of the things that make Kansas truly a hunter’s paradise. And while it’s always been a safe place to hunt, it’s a safer-than-ever place to hunt, now, according to the 2013 Kansas Hunter Education Hunting Incident Report.

A total of six reported hunting incidents took place last year, the lowest number of incidents reported since the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) began keeping record over 50 years ago. Luckily, none of these incidents resulted in fatalities, but all incidents can be prevented if basic gun safety rules are followed. Hunting is one of the safest outdoor activities when you consider the low number of incidents compared to the millions of hunter days recorded by Kansas hunters each fall. However, even veteran hunters must keep safe gun handling first.


Treat every firearm as if it’s loaded.
Never point your firearm at anything you don’t want to shoot.
Keep the safety on until right before you shoot.
Know your target and what lies beyond it.
Never put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
Rules of gun safety are just one of many lessons taught during Hunter Education courses in Kansas, and the program is a big reason hunting-related incidents in the state are at an all-time low. Since 1973, more than 500,000 students have completed the Kansas Hunter Education course

If you, or someone you know, is interested in taking a Hunter Education course and continuing good hunting practices, visit ksoutdoors.com and click “Services/Education/Hunter” for more information.

Kansas Hunter Education courses are conducted solely by volunteer instructors who graciously offer their time and expertise at no cost to KDWPT. Courses can be found through the KDWPT website listed above, however students should keep in mind that classes offered are based on instructor availability.

Story from: Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism