Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach says Democrat Chad Taylor must remain on the ballot in the U.S. Senate race.
At a press conference Thursday, Kobach said Taylor submitted a letter the day before signaling his withdrawal. But, the secretary said, Taylor did not say he’s incapable of serving, which is required, too.
After Taylor submitted the letter, the legality of him removing his name from the ballot had been questioned, and Kobach held a legal meeting to decide whether Taylor could back out.
Prior to the meeting and conference, Taylor issued this statement:
Yesterday afternoon, I contacted Brad Bryant, Director of Elections and Legislative Matters for the Kansas Secretary of State’s Office, to inquire about the requisite steps needed to terminate my candidacy for United State Senate and to withdraw my name from the ballot. Mr. Bryant provided explicit instructions as to the information required in the letter to remove my name.
I proceeded to draft and deliver a letter to the Kansas Secretary of State’s Office of Elections, giving notice of my withdrawal from the United States Senate race. I specifically asked Mr. Bryant if the letter contained all the information necessary to remove my name from the ballot. Mr. Bryant said, “Yes” affirming to me, and my campaign manager, that the letter was sufficient to withdraw my name from the ballot.
Upon confirming that my letter would remove my name from the ballot, I presented identification, signed the notary ledger, and signed the letter before a Secretary of State employee notarized it. I again confirmed with Mr. Bryant that this notarized letter removed my name from the ballot. He again said “Yes.” My candidacy in this race was terminated yesterday.