A bicycle/pedestrian path north of Iron Avenue
Brick crosswalks
Black powder coated intersection lighting
Pedestrian lighting and traffic signals
A HAWK pedestrian signal
On-street bicycle lanes
There are still a few things to add before the project is totally finished, including striping for the bicycle lanes which is scheduled to be added during the third week of April.
Salina City Engineer Dan stack thanked all of the businesses and residents in the area for their patience during the project.
One of the businesses most impacted by the project was B&K Prescription Shop, located at the corner of Iron and Front Street. Owner Larry Shaw told KSAL News that the project did not prove overly costly to his business. “Our customers are loyal, we did okay,” he said. Shaw added that it was worth it. “Just look at it now, it’s beautiful” he said.
Mayor Blanchard noted that several businesses used the opportunity to remodel during the project, both inside and out. Taco Bell, at the corner of Iron and Ohio, took the most drastic approach. The restaurant closed while the facility was demolished and a brand new store was built.
While the main portion of the Iron Avenue Project is complete, construction has now moved east of Ohio, and is quickly progressing. It is on pace to finish a month early.
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