Active Shooter Class to Be Offered in Salina

An active shooter class is being planned in Salina.

It’s something nobody likes to think about: A mass shooting. The danger, though probably remote, does exist. In Sutherland Springs, Texas, last November a gunman killed 25 people during a worship service.

In an effort to be prepared, First Presbyterian Church of Salina has scheduled an active- shooter training session by the Kansas Highway Patrol on Tuesday, March 20th at noon. Trooper Ben Gardner will host the class.

The Kansas Active Shooter Mitigation course, to be held in Blair Hall, lasts about an hour and a half. It teaches active-shooter awareness and training, providing critical information in a timely manner on what to expect in the event of an active shooter, as well as potential
options and considerations to mitigate the threat.

Churches that have held similar programs have cited a need for ways to better secure the congregation, develop emergency and security plans, build relationships with local law-enforcement agencies, and to foster a culture of readiness and awareness.

FPC Salina members are encouraged to attend this program. Also invited are members of Northern Kansas Presbytery, other Salina area churches and the general public.