Early voting is underway across much of the country and is proving popular.
Advance voting in Saline County began last week via mail. In-person advanced voting began locally on Monday.
According to Saline County Clerk Jamie Doss, her office has a signed application from each voter for every ballot by mail. They check the applications against the voter’s registration signature before they issue a ballot. A letter was mailed with both applications, one for the primary and one for the general election. That was done in May and many voters have forgotten they completed both applications.
Kansas law does not allow for sending ballots by mail without an application. If someone wants to check if their application for a ballot was received and when it was mailed they can check online at https://myvoteinfo.voteks.org/VoterView.
The deadline to request a ballot by mail must be received by Tuesday, October 27th. To be counted , your ballot must be postmarked by Tuesday, November 3rd and received no later than Friday, November 6th, by close of business.
The early voting period in Kansas goes thru November 2nd at noon. Dates and hours may vary based on where you live.