Work is progressing on cleanup of contamination in the Salina Airport industrial area.
According to the Salina Airport Authority, an investigation of the ground water quality within the Plume D area will begin next week as a part of the environmental investigation at the former Schilling Air Force Base.
Seven ground water contaminant plumes have been identified. Plume D extends from the Salina Regional Airport under I-135 between Centennial Road and Ninth Street. A series of six to fifteen soil borings will be established, and samples will be collected to establish the current extent of the groundwater impacts on the leading edge of Plume D. Groundwater in this area flows north and northeast toward the City of Salina. Following the delineation of the impacts, monitoring wells will be installed in three-well clusters for future groundwater monitoring.
The work is to be completed within the City of Salina and Kansas Department of Transportation right-of-ways in the area bounded by I-135, Dover Street, Broadway Boulevard, and Otto Avenue. Some of the soil borings and monitoring wells will be located in the City right-of-way in front of residences within this area. Prior to the work, residents will be contacted with notification of the schedule for work adjacent to their properties.
Residents can expect to see workers performing this work between July 15 and July 31.
Locally manufactured Geoprobe Systems equipment is being used for the investigation and well installation. As the drilling equipment will likely be working in the roadway at many planned locations, please use caution when driving near the work area.