Alleged Deer Poachers Busted

Kansas game wardens and sheriff deputies worked together to bust three alleged poachers illegally hunting.

According to the Kansas Department of Wildife, Parks, and Tourism last Thursday night into early Friday morning, Cherokee County Sgt. Dave Justice observed a vehicle spotlighting deer in a high complaint area for shiners. Sgt. Justice stopped the vehicle and a passenger in the vehicle with a rifle bailed out and ran into a wooded area.

Kansas Game Wardens, K-9 Anna, Cherokee and Crawford County Deputies responded to the call. The firearm and several spotlights were recovered.

Three men were arrested for spotlighting and numerous other wildlife related violations.

The state has a hunter involved program to help fight poachers like this. Operation Game Thief is a program that provides a toll-free number for anyone witnessing wildlife-related violations to call immediately and make a report. All calls received are immediately relayed to the natural resource officer nearest the violation. The line is available anytime of day or night, every day of the year, and callers may remain anonymous. The number to call is 1-877-426-3843.

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Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism photo

Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism photo