If searching out ancient Indian petroglyphs and looking for forgotten caves in Kansas interests you, then the Smoky Hills Audubon Society has someone they want you to meet. Crystal Trickle is a part of a field team, searching Kansas for ancient astrological alignments that are only revealed at sunrise on a single day of the year.
It is fascinating to see how ancient peoples used stone outcrops and the shadows they cast to record the changing of the seasons. May 16th at Kansas Wesleyan, Trickle will explain how, by leaving petroglyphs on ancient rock walls to record the alignments, ancient Native Americans put order in the celestial events.
Ancient astronomy and sun watching were prevalent features incorporated at multiple sites. With more than 20 years of researching several rock art sites, Trickle has been a part of a field team that has rediscovered hidden elements of what their creators hid in plain sight. The field team is trying to document and share a most intriguing part of the Kansas story.
If you wish to see and learn what was done by these ancient sky watchers, then the May Audubon program is for you. Join us May 16th at Kansas Wesleyan in the Peters Science Hall, room 229. Smoky Hill Audubon Programs begin at 7:30 pm are free and open to the public. You may come up to a half hour early and meet the speaker before the program.