The application process has started for two categories of the Horizons Grants Program through the Salina Arts & Humanities Foundation. According to Salina Arts and Humanities, the application process is open as of May 1 for projects funded in 2022.
The Lana Jordan Developing Artist Grants and the Organizational Project Grants are now open for application, both with a deadline of November 1, 2021. These grants support artistic growth through Saline County’s cultural and nonprofit organizations and practicing artists. Thanks to generous donors, Horizons grants facilitate Saline County artists and organizations to develop the artistic, cultural, historic, and aesthetic resources of the community.
The Lana Jordan Developing Artist Grants (up to $2,000, requiring a 1:2 match) are available to any visual, performing, literary, and interdisciplinary artist who has demonstrated seriousness to an art form. Artists living in Saline County for at least one year and who are 18 years or older are eligible to apply.
The purpose of the Lana Jordan Developing Artist Grant is to:
- foster the creation of new work
- promote artistic growth
- strengthen the ability of artists to build partnerships
- implement a public component to engage the community
Organizational Project Grants (up to $6,000, requiring a 1:1 match) provide support for projects that place the arts at the heart of community development, to build community through the arts.
The grant application deadline is November 1, 2021 in either category, for projects that will occur during the 2022 grant cycle (February 1 – November 30, 2022.) All new applicants for the Developing Artist or Organizational Project grants must schedule a meeting with SAH staff no later than September 20, 2021. All returning applicants must notify SAH staff by October 4, 2021 of their intent to apply.
Additionally, Horizons Enrichment Grants (up to $500) are available on an ongoing basis, with applications submitted four to six weeks before the beginning of the proposed project. Enrichment Grants are available until November 15, 2021 for projects that take place in 2021.
An online information session will be hosted via Zoom on Thursday, May 27 for interested applicants to learn more, with Arts Education Coordinator, Anna Pauscher Morawitz. To register for this group Zoom discussion, visit, or contact Salina Arts & Humanities [email protected], 785-309-5770.
Visit for grant guidelines and applications. Staff is available to assist applicants in formulating a successful grant proposal. If you or your organization has an interest in applying, please call Anna Pauscher Morawitz at 785-309-5770 or email [email protected] to schedule an appointment to discuss a proposal.