Big Mural in Little Sweden

The thirty-foot Viking that welcomes all to Lindsborg didn’t happen overnight. In fact artists Cal and Allena McNichols spent about four years planning and fundraising for the mural that dominates the north wall of the Trollslända Toy Store in downtown.

Over the summer the creative couple marked the completion of the their fifth mural project in Kansas, including the Viking longboat mural in Lindsborg’s Swensson Park.

Cal and Allena are hoping visitors will stop by, strike a pose, snap a picture while standing in the Viking’s hand and share it.

“It’s really big and that’s the goal to pull in lots of folks to Lindsborg to enjoy this beautiful town,” Allena said.

The Viking design was approved several years ago by Lesa and late husband Merle Larson, the building’s owners. The previous mural, depicting dancing silhouettes was enjoyed by many over the years, but the Larsons were ready for a change for the community and so the new mural was decided on.

The project was made possible by generous grants from the Smoky Valley Community Foundation, KCAIC Mural and Public Art Grant, the Lindsborg Art Council, along with several private donations.