Bouquet of Books

Summertime can be a challenge for many young students who fall behind without a set schedule or classes to attend.

Brenda Gutierrez, program director for the Salina Area United Way tells KSAL News that this book drive will help kids in two ways. “It will tackle Summer learning loss, which is the loss of academic skills that occurs when school is out, and access to books,” she said.

Organizers are asking for new or gently used books to give away.



The Salina Area United Way is partnering with the USD 305 Summer Meal Service Program for the book distribution. After kids pick up their free Grab-and-Go lunch, their next stop can be for a free book.

United Way staff will display books, and children, remaining in the vehicle, will read the book’s title or point to make their selection. Free book distribution days and locations will be determined following the book drive June 1 – 12.

For participants health and safety, SAUW will follow the CDC guidance for COVID-19.

“We ask that you place books in a clean box or bag for drop off. There will be a book donation table just inside the door at 210 E. Walnut, Suite 100,” said Gutierrez.

“Drop off times are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.,” Gutierrez added. All new and gently used books will set untouched for 72 hours before cleaning and sanitizing.

The book drive is June 1 – 12. Drop off books at Salina Area United Way located at 210 E. Walnut, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.