A terrifying moment for an 11-year-old boy, leads to the arrest of a 13-year-old male from Salina who allegedly threatened him with a gun.
Police Lieutenant Jim Feldman tells KSAL News that officers were sent to the 800 block of Vassar on Thursday afternoon around 4pm after the suspect showed the boy a gun – then threatened to shoot him if he did not hand over his money.
Police say the suspect took an undisclosed amount of cash and ran.
He was found a short time later in the 700 block of S. Broadway and reportedly broke a police officer’s watch while being taken into custody. Police found a BB-gun pistol in the area that looked like a realistic handgun the suspect reportedly tried to hide.
The name of the 13-year-old male was not released because of his age. He is now facing possible charges that could include aggravated robbery, aggravated battery and criminal threat.